Developing individuals & teams

Catrin Mac coaching and facilitation

She is hugely skilful and able to ask insightful questions to help bring clarity of thought to complex business issues and relationships. This clarity of thought has enabled focused actions on my part, which have in turn led to amazing business results.

B.COSH, Entrepreneur, angel Investor
Executive coach for organisations

Executive & Business Coaching

Coaching helps you find clarity, optimise relationships, hone communication and feel more confident.

Do you feel there are aspects of your life and work that could be better? Do you sometimes dread those difficult conversations? Do you feel overwhelmed or find decision making a challenge? Would you like to be more yourself at work or get clarity on the sort of leader or manager you really want to be?

Coaching helps you gain insights and techniques to change aspects of your thinking and behaviours, to motivate others, set boundaries, delegate, reduce disagreements and conflict, reduce the imposter and develop your gravitas. This clarity in turn brings the confidence and focus to prioritise as well as the ability to cut through the noise and make good decisions. I work with leaders and managers as well as entrepreneurial founders who appreciate the level of both support, challenge, idea generation and accountability that coaching offers.

Read testimonials.

If you have any questions about individual or team coaching, email me or call 07785 996917.

Perceptive, emotionally intelligent and clearly very experienced in business. Catrin is relatable, challenging and an enabler.  At the absolute top of her game! 

GAVIN REES, Operations & Technical Director

Facilitation and training for teams

Developing people and leadership skills

I facilitate programmes to develop leaders eg Aspiring CEOs programme and the aspiring Executive Directors Talent Pool for NHS Wales / HEIW as well as sessions on building team charters / finding better ways of working together and honing communication for higher education, government departments and private organisations.

‘Catrin MacDonnell has been a great asset to Academi Wales over the last 3 years. Commissioned to deliver training and development for managers and leaders from across the public sector, Catrin has brought her considerable knowledge and expertise to masterclass sessions on the power of listening, coaching and behavioural development. Always organised, flexible and focused in her delivery, Catrin has consistently scored over 95%, excellent. Its been a pleasure to work with Catrin who puts people at the heart of her development approach’

Zoe Sweet, previous Academi Wales.

Relevant, engaging delivery and content that participants enjoy with a focus on taking away the learning for lasting change. As an ex-teacher I enjoy engaging with teams and enabling them to contribute and generate ideas. I’ve designed and facilitated workshops for leaders and emerging leaders in NHS Wales, government, memberships organisations, recruiters, banks, higher education, consultancies, ethical investment companies etc.

Much of my work is about communication. How to communicate better, reduce misunderstanding, improve relationships as well as addressing how we communicate with ourselves – the inner narrative that can hold us back.

  • difficult conversations and conflict / facilitating conversations / mediation
  • confidence & imposter phenomenon
  • management skills & creating teams that thrive
  • coaching conversation tools and skills
  • delegation & boundaries / life & work balance
  • decision making & planning / strategic thinking
  • listening, rapport building, gravitas & influencing without authority
  • entrepreneurial thinking & thinking differently / creatively
  • Board level facilitation and away days

I can facilitate workshops online or face to face. I work hard to make them interesting and relevant and above all enjoyable, as we’re so much more likely to want to learn if we’re enjoying it! I am also mindful of how learning will ‘stick’ so that it’s not all forgotten once you’re back at your desk.

I’ve loved our sessions together! They’ve been so valuable and you’ve taught me so much so a huge thank you.

Anon. Government Department.

Sustainability & Charity

Sustainability and respect for the environment is important. So important that I founded a sustainable, natural perfume company as I felt uncomfortable about the way thing”s are done in the beauty industry.

I also believe in treating everyone with respect. Everybody deserves a second chance and I am Chair of The Key Unlock Potential, a start up charity in Bristol opening a cafe to provide work experience and work place skills to reduce reoffending.

Email me or call me on 07785 996917 for a chat about coaching or training.