Building Resilience Skills
Resilience = the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties
When we face difficult situations, whether at home or at work, it’s useful to have a toolbox of strategies that we can turn to. Resilience is something that we can get good at with practise, and by ensuring we use these tools regularly, we will notice that we can cope better when life throws a curveball.
Resilience skills are vital for building a sustainable workforce and business and by learning tools to support you and your team, you can make an enormous difference.
Something for the resilience toolbox
Reframing – how to do it.
Consider the problem or difficulty that you’re facing.
Put it into words – you might find it helps to write it down.
Imagine it as a picture with a frame around it. The frame your have currently is one of problems, negativity, discomfort, worry even.
Now think about what other sort of frame it could have.
Can this problem be seen as an opportunity to learn? What will you learn as a result? If you feel this is a possibility, then you can change the frame to one of learning, opportunity, interest. Now what does the problem look like?
Or perhaps the problem or difficulty could be seen from a different perspective. How might someone you rate or respect look at it? What would they say? Now you can imagine a new frame with their perspective around it.
What about replacing the negative frame with a positive one? How would that be? What would a positive you see in the picture?
By just shifting the way you look at or see a problem or challenge, you can transform your attitude. As you get good at this, you will find that each problem becomes more manageable and you will find your resilience grows.
As a coach and trainer, I work with people to develop better resilience skills. I am a trained resilience practitioner. Get in touch if you’d like to know more.