Coaching acts as a catalyst, as an accelerator, which bring a focus to what’s important.  It is not easy to be clear about what is needed and coaching gives you the spaces to work out what you and your business / organisation needs.

You are surrounded by opinions and criticism and working with a coach provides a place where you can explore ideas without criticism, without judgement. There is not pressure to perform.  You can challenge any limiting beliefs which hold you back from being your best and your happiest.

Coaching helps you identify what is needed and put a concrete plan in place, with a clear timescale and milestones, so that you increase your chances of success.

Working with a coach is motivating and inspiring, where you can really feel like you’re moving forward, making the changes you want to gain the insight you need.  Through consideration of coaching models and strategies from positive psychology, resilience studies, creativity etc you can increase your chances of finding success.

Coaching can be face to face or via Skype.


Are you afraid of something?

“Not that I can immediately think of” many people will respond.  Yes, there are some that are afraid of spiders, birds, heights etc, but I’m thinking of a less obvious type of fear, that many of us suffer from and don’t realise it. Or if we realise it, we make sure we brush it swiftly under the carpet and get back to work.

Hear podcasts about what might be holding you back Read more