Think differently – and get different results! If we continue to do the same things in the same way, we are likely to get the same results. Einstein apparently said something along these lines and he was absolutely right.
It’s too easy to stay within our comfort zone and do the same over and over. There often comes a time when we become frustrated with the status quo but we are so far entrenched in our habits or repetition, of sticking to what we know, we cannot break out of it. This is where we need to think differently.
Think differently – try something new.
Ask yourself what someone else might do, what might your future self do, what might a competitor do?
There are so many possibilities but in the day to day of business and stress, it’s not always easy to identify them, This is where coaching comes in extremely useful! Getting a view from the outside, and external, non judgmental perspective, can encourage you to think differently, try new ways and start seeing the change you’d like.
Get in touch if you’d like to discuss coaching. 0 0 Catrin Coaching Catrin Coaching2015-11-16 11:15:292017-01-16 13:41:05Stop focusing on the negative! 0 0 Catrin Coaching Catrin Coaching2015-10-14 11:16:272017-01-16 13:46:46"Stress makes us stupid" 0 0 Catrin Coaching Catrin Coaching2015-09-29 12:32:112017-01-16 13:42:22The Last Word - from Bristol Business News 0 0 Catrin Coaching Catrin Coaching2015-07-06 12:36:022017-01-16 13:48:35Choose to do something 0 0 Catrin Coaching Catrin Coaching2015-05-18 11:00:292023-01-18 16:21:19Coaching and celebrating success