Meet the coach
finding clarity in complexity
If you’re looking for an experienced coach who is able to listen, ask questions, get you thinking about new ideas, developing even better communication and influencing skills, make sense of complicated relationships and scenarios, then I hope you will enjoy working with me.
Find me on Linked in.
What do I do as a coach?
I work with individuals and teams to find clarity. I help them identify what’s holding them back and find ways of overcoming obstacles and finding ease in all that they do. I’ve worked with so many brilliant people, gaining invaluable insight which I can share to help others thrive in work and life. Coaching can help people feel liberated, clearer, more positive and move out of feeling stuck and indecisive to confident and courageous. This can have transformative results, bringing clarity to decision making and success to all aspects of work and life.
Sometimes we face bumps in the road, misunderstandings, develop blind spots and coaching, whether one to one or with the team can help you gain a new perspective, shift old patterns of behaviour and open up new channels for successful relationships and thinking habits. If you’d like to talk to me about this, email me.
We can arrange a call or meeting to discuss your thoughts and what you’d like to achieve through coaching. I will then create a proposal of how I think we can best work together with costs.
Who have I worked with?
All sorts of people. CEOs and those on the board looking for gravitas, a new approach, clarity on decision making or better communication. Managers – both newly promoted and ones who are looking for more confidence, ways to influence, communicate and manage workload effectively. Finding ways of thinking more strategically, being less hands on and delegation. I work with many on decision making and leadership skills to bring that elusive ease to challenging issues.
Public sector (health, education, government), private sector (finance, technology, insurance, professional services, recruitment, creative) and third sector. My work is all confidential – not everyone is comfortable giving a public testimonial, but I have a few here to give you an idea.

I design and facilitate training workshops
I have designed and facilitated workshops for the UK and Welsh government, consultancies, retail, finance companies, third sector, education. As a coach, I run them with the firm belief that everyone has knowledge and experience and work at bringing out this knowledge. I research extensively, introduce topics and tools and open it up for comment and experience sharing. This is by far the best way for gaining lasting learning, encouraging teams to be accountable and continue the changes back in the business.
Topics range from better communication, management skills, managing conflict & challenging conversations and feedback delivery, coaching and listening techniques, decision making. I often get asked to run workshops on building confidence and imposter syndrome.
‘Companies looking to help its employees beat the internal saboteur and overcome imposter syndrome should book a workshop with Catrin. More people than we realise suffer with an internal critic, but using Catrin’s fantastic framework helps individuals to lay the foundations to improving their confidence in the workplace. Our employees who partook in the sessions have noted an improvement in their work-place confidence after a few short weeks of implementing Catrin’s advice.’
Catrin Price, Associate Brand Manager, Codemaster at Electronic Arts (EA games)
If you want to know more, give me a ring on 07785 996917 or email me .
Am I qualified?
I have an advanced certificate in Executive Coaching from Human Technics and the University of the West of England’s business school and over 15 years of experience coaching teams and individuals.
I have studied positive psychology and am a resilience practitioner and love learning about new coaching styles, ways of working and theory in the world of people. As a member of The Critical Coaching Group, run by Middlesex University I enjoy keeping up with the lates theories and practices. I have studied mediation and conflict resolution and am committed to professional development. I have a certificate in Mediation and Conflict Management from ESSEC (Ecole Superieure de Science Econonomique et Commerciale ) and help organisations to facilitate conversations when relationships become challenged.
I am part of a coaching supervision group and am insured.
Business mentoring & advising
As an experienced business director and owner, I also work with business owners as a mentor to help them find ways to be less relied on by the business, find work life balance, develop marketing ideas and strategies, communicate better with staff and customers, identify ways of increasing profit. It can be lonely being the owner and having a trusted business mentor can help with so many aspects of day to day business. I often take part in roundtable business events at Government level and am an Enterprise Nation adviser member.
Sustainability and community
I do my very best to tread lightly. I’m acutely aware of my responsibility to respect my environment and started a sustainable perfume company as I felt so strongly about the beauty industry and its effects. I believe strongly in equality and treating everybody with respect. I am for giving everyone a second chance and am Chair of The Key: Unlock Potential, a start up charity in Bristol aiming to reduce reoffending through work experience and skills training.
Psychologies magazine & coaching podcasts
I have contributed to articles in Psychologies magazine on subjects such as avoiding burnout and boundary setting and have a coaching podcast which you can listen to here.